La cantoria lignea fu commissionata nel 1702 dal vescovo di Asti Innocenzo Milliavacca agli ebanisti Martini, come testimoniato dall’iscrizione collocata al centro dell’opera.
Per quanto riguarda la cassa dell’organo, fu realizzata nel 1743 da Francesco Maria Bonzanigo, vincitore del concorso bandito dal Capitolo della Collegiata.
Il contratto per la realizzazione dell’organo fu stipulato il 16 settembre 1740 con l’organaro napoletano Liborio Grisanti, da poco stabilitosi ad Asti. L’opera fu completata all’inizio di marzo del 1743. Alla fine del secolo successivo l’organo venne completamente rimaneggiato e ampliato, ma mantiene tuttora l’aspetto settecentesco.
The wooden choir was commissioned by the Bishop of Asti, Innocenzo Milliavacca and
made in 1702 by the cabinetmaker Martini, as evidenced by the inscription placed in the
center of the work.
Regarding the organ casing, it was crafted in 1743 by Francesco Maria Bonzanigo, who won
the contest announced by the Chapter of the Collegiate Church.
The contract for the construction of the organ was signed on September 16, 1740, with the
neapolitan organ builder Liborio Grisanti, who had recently settled in Asti. The work was
completed at the beginning of March 1743. At the end of the following century, the organ
underwent extensive alterations and expansion, but it still keeps its eighteenth-century